Welcome to the UET Compass Belton Academy

The UET Compass Academy  provide a therapeutic education offer to children and young people and their families.  Compass Schools are commissioned by Norfolk County Council Children’s Services and Local NHS Clinical Commissioners and delivered in partnership by the Unity Education Trust and Norfolk and Suffolk Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust.

There are approximately 50 places in three UET Compass locations across Norfolk:

  • UET Compass Belton Academy – Belton, Great Yarmouth,
  • UET Compass West – Pott Row, King’s Lynn
  • UET Compass Lingwood – Lingwood, Norwich.

We cater for children and young people within the key stage 2-3 range who present with severe and challenging behaviours, emerging or actual mental health needs, including attachment issues and/or developmental trauma.

All our children and young people have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) with a primary need for Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties. Our children and young people will also have had some form of mental health intervention (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) prior to them accessing our provision.

UET Compass Academy work collaboratively with children and young people, and their families, to provide high quality education and therapeutic interventions. Compass Schools have an inclusive culture which works with children and young people’s strengths using an integrated approach to education and therapy. The staff work creatively to engage with children and young people in a way that is flexible and tailored to the needs of each pupil, with the aim of preparing them for their next education placement.


UET Earthsea  is a specialist alternative provision that provides education for primary aged children and young people. UET Earthsea is commissioned by Norfolk County Council Children’s services and delivered in partnership by the Unity Education Trust

There are approximately 21 places in the school which shares a site with Earthsea House (a therapeutic residential setting ran by Childhood First)

We cater for children and young people within the key stage 1-2 range who present with challenging behaviour and may have found mainstream education difficult.

All our children and young people have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) with a primary need for Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties.

UET Earthsea provides a supportive, nurturing environment in which to educate the children and young people ensuring that their individual needs are met the staff work creatively to engage with children and young people in a way that is flexible and tailored to the needs of each pupil, with the aim of preparing them for their next education placement.

Kind regards,
Katrina Warren – Executive Headteacher