If you need some additional help and support outside of school check out these links


If you’re 11 – 25 yrs you can get advice and help on the go, 7 days a week until 10 pm.

Kooth offers online counselling, advice and emotional well-being support.

Visit: www.kooth.com



If you’re 11-19 you can text ChatHealth for anonymous and confidential advice and guidance from a health professional.

Text: ChatHealth Norfolk on 07480 635060

Text: ChatHealth Waveney on 07507 333356


Urgent Mental Health Support

24/7 immediate advice, support and signposting for people with mental health difficulties in Norfolk and Suffolk.

Phone: 111 and select option 2



If you’re aged 11-25 and live in Norfolk, you can get free and confidential support, information and advice on issues such as housing, money and mental health.

Call: 01603 766994

Email: info@map.uk.net


Mind – Youth Service

Support for young people aged 14-25 living in Great Yarmouth and Waveney, who are struggling with their mental health and experience emotional difficulties.

Visit: https://www.norfolkandwaveneymind.org.uk


The Rose Project

If you live in Norfolk and have been affected by child sexual exploitation, you can contact this dedicated team for help.

Visit: www.magdalenegroup.org/rose-project

Call: 0808 800 1037

Live chat also available


The Matthew Project

If you live in Norfolk and are worried about substance misuse (drugs or alcohol) you can call this specialist drug and alcohol advice line or visit their website.

Visit: www.matthewproject.org

Call: Unity Youth Advice Line on 0800 9704866


Nelson’s Journey

If you’re under 18, live in Norfolk and have experienced the death of someone close to you, you can get support here.

Visit: www.nelsonsjourney.org.uk/young-people

Call: 01603 431788