At The UET Compass Academy we are committed to supporting every student in overcoming their personal barriers to learning and enabling them to make the best progress possible

SENCO : Martin Taylor-Bennett –
Tel: 01553 612001
Mob: 07706 323 721

The role of SENCO (Specialist Provision) is to support schools to ensure that the special educational needs of the pupils who attend our varied educational settings are met through the Norfolk Local Offer. The role of the SENCO includes:

  • Writing applications for EHCPs
  • Arranging annual reviews for EHCPs
  • Completing assessments and referrals for other professionals
  • Maintaining the SEND Register
  • Writing and updating the SEN Information Report
  • Maintaining the Provision Map
  • Offering regular SEND training to staff
  • Supporting the Exams Access Arrangements Officer
  • Reporting to Trustees with a yearly update and strategic overview for SEND
  • Providing a ‘voice’ for parents/carers and pupils with SEND

We want all pupils regardless of their needs to be able to participate in learning as a member of our school community.  We have an inclusive culture in our school and we aim to always be responsive to the diversity of children’s backgrounds, interests, experience, knowledge and skills.

send policy

send report

specialist provision directory





What is SEND?

Due to the nature of our school our students arrive with a history that often indicates that they have difficulty coping within a mainstream school setting. This MAY indicate that they have an underlying Special Educational Need.

The SEN Code of Practice defines SEND as:

“A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.  A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if they:

(a)   Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age: or

(b)   Have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.”

Upon entry to the Short Stay School all pupils are assessed using a number of methods including standardised tests that relate directly to the four categories of need identified in the SEN Code of Practice. This information allows us to write accurate Individual Learning Plans for each of pupil. If a pupil is identified as having SEND we provide provision that is ‘additional to or different from’ the normal differentiated curriculum. This is intended to overcome the barrier to their learning.

What is ‘The Local Offer’?

The Local Offer was first introduced in the green paper (March 2011) as a local offer of all services available to support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families. With regard to Education it will let parents/carers of young people know how schools and colleges will support them and what they can expect across the local setting.

What to do if I think my child has SEN?

All children’s progress, academically, socially and emotionally, is constantly monitored by teachers and the Senior Management Team within the school. Any concerns about a child are dealt with in a timely manner with the relevant professionals informed. Parents are able to discuss their child with either the class teacher or the Department Assistant Headteacher.

How will school staff support my child?

All pupils at the SSSfN have Individual Learning Plans (ILP’s) outlining targets and strategies to support your child. ILP’s and trackers are reviewed regularly with the child and shared with parents. Any child needing additional external support will be identified and referrals made to the relevant professionals with permission from the parents, and given any support necessary.

These agencies include: Speech and Language, CAMHS, Educational Psychologist, Clinical Psychologists, Paediatricians, Children’s Services and the School Nurse. Children identified as needing extra support with Numeracy and Literacy will have interventions put in place.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

Class Teachers plan lessons according to the specific needs of all children in their class and will ensure that your child’s needs are met.  All lessons offer challenge and support necessary for each child to learn and differentiation occurs through the work set, questions asked and level of support given.

Specific resources and intervention strategies will be used to support your child individually. Planning and teaching will be adapted in each lesson to meet your child’s learning needs.

How will I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

If teachers have concerns they will contact parents to discuss them and listen to any concerns that you may have too. The class teacher or Assistant Headteacher will speak to you regarding any referrals to outside agencies to support your child’s learning. ILP’s are discussed and reviewed each term.  All children are tracked using the school’s data tracker.  Annual reports are written for every child at the end of the academic year.

What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

We ensure that all children are supported socially and pastorally by staff and every pupil has an allocated Key Worker who knows their pupils well.  We have a high ratio of staff to children within each class.

We offer a wide range of activities within school to support their social and emotional development such as school visits, educational trips, and links with the local communities ie. Lunch clubs, Remembrance services etc.

The School has a policy to support parents/carers with the management of their child’s medication within school and staff undergo training in key areas such as asthma, diabetes and the use of Epipens. If a child comes into school with a specific need, the school nurse will provide the relevant staff with training and/or advice around meeting those specific needs. The school also has trained first aiders on each base with at least one being Paediatric First aid trained. A minimum of one first aider will be present on any visit outside of school.

The School has a Rewards and Relationship policy which is known, used and adhered to by all staff across the school. All Staff have regular and up to date STEP ON training to support the management of behaviour within the school.

We promote and celebrate excellent attendance.  We work closely with Attendance officers and Parents are supported by school who will send texts or ring home to query a child’s non attendance at school.

How accessible is the school environment?

We have wheelchair access in each base. There are facilities for disabled changing and toilets which can accommodate wheelchairs and support individuals with a disability.

How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school or to transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life?

We recognise that transitions can be difficult for a child with SEND and take steps to ensure that any transition is as smooth as possible. If your child is joining our school, we arrange for parents and children to visit the school for a set up meeting and/or we do a Home visit.

If a pupil is moving to a new longer term setting we will share all Risk management Plans and ILP’s and make sure all records are passed on as soon as possible. We will often arrange to support pupils with visits to their new setting and if a pupil is reintegrating back into mainstream we offer ongoing support visits over a 6 week period with the pupil in their new setting.

Who can I contact for further information?

If you wish to discuss your child’s educational needs please contact the Assistant Head Teacher in the relevant base in the first instance

Please read our SEND policy for further details.

Please read our SEN Report for governors.

Please see here a copy of our Directory of Specialist Provision for parents/carers information on placements for pupils with an EHCP.

Please see the Family Voice newsletter for April 2021.

Additional information regarding support available for pupils with Special Educational Needs and/ or Disabilities in Norfolk can be found on the Norfolk County Council website: